

As soon as they said these words, the Lama was already in front of the door, and Hong Zhong sounded like a voice and shouted, "Come out and surrender, little thief. Will you come out before you are arrested?"

Meng Yuanchao was furious. "The bald donkey bit me!" Jumping out with a knife like a trick, the "Night Fighting Party" moves are swinging in all directions, and I hear the sound of two nine-ring xizhang. One of the big…


I think he’s not far from winning every battle, and he’s fighting hand in hand in the mall

In the era of exile, it was also attacking the city and expanding the territory. But he found that he and his wonderful uncle were not at the same level in fighting capacity. What can he say? The sentence "I’m…


It’s hard to resist the crushing strength of harsh strata layer by layer.

That’s all. To be safe, it is estimated that most people can tolerate it. However, Huo Fuxian did not pay much attention to the living conditions of out-of-town residents. In some people’s eyes, out-of-town people are the objects to be…


"Someone is always responsible for the theft of ice marrow. Do you want me to fight it?"

Young people hang their heads and dare not say anything. "Li He, they are really very polite, and it is only natural that you have a good impression on them." Xue Tianmai turned around. "But you should also know that…


"Is it just a war?"

Rudd mercilessly attacked his students. "Four months ago, Xu retired and killed azari head-on! It’s already four months later. " Duckwin "…" "Do you remember Lankhan?" Rade’s mouth again "Remember the man of the hour in the junior school!" "Four…


Xu retreated in astonishment. The Red Tiger Ghost King, Judge Liu and others were busy compiling troops.

This is really … Collected Yu Xutui and others also know what happened. The reason is very simple. Wula, the new ghost emperor of the North, has been collecting the road and naturally met the spike ghost king. King Spike…


Zhou Jia thought flashing remind of west Asia’s method.

Chapter 141 Too Induction Heart Sutra Tianhe flew out from Gao Luohao’s wrist with a bracelet. The bracelet rises in the wind, and the diameter is more than ten meters long, from which the giant shines and releases a strange…


The direction has changed, and the shape has not changed.

The front and back parts of Xiaolong’s body are actually … perfectly symmetrical. At this moment, a doubt that lingered in Zhuang’s heart for a long time has finally been solved. That is, if the war between the manor owner…


A roar around tens of thousands of Ant Man ants and beasts have jumped out of the front attack posture is amazing!

"I am timid after the spirit. If you frighten me to press the button here again, I may press it indiscriminately. Why don’t I try these button functions?" Xu tui sneer at After the spirit, the giant eyes whirled angrily,…


Such as crystal wall gods, such as relying on the strength of professional species

Orochimaru, Cherie and others have not been able to completely solve the problem of career success. All their cohesive strength relying on professional species has also been taken away by Ai Ou. And Ling Qing, Zhang Yuan Bai, Liao Fan,…