

"Is it just a war?"

Rudd mercilessly attacked his students. "Four months ago, Xu retired and killed azari head-on! It’s already four months later. " Duckwin "…" "Do you remember Lankhan?" Rade’s mouth again "Remember the man of the hour in the junior school!" "Four…


Zhou Jia thought flashing remind of west Asia’s method.

Chapter 141 Too Induction Heart Sutra Tianhe flew out from Gao Luohao’s wrist with a bracelet. The bracelet rises in the wind, and the diameter is more than ten meters long, from which the giant shines and releases a strange…


Fortunately, they make it a remote control instead of really fighting with people in a war dog.

After a long time of research, although the manor has not been able to crack the dense number of gears in the steam core of the war dog, it can completely control the war dog by mechanical devices instead of…


Although it is not too late now, the street is quiet and there is no one to see.

It is obviously unreasonable that there are children running around the street at this time. "Do you want to go with me in that direction?" Alice Phil asked Ye Yu gently nodded, and three people walked in the direction pointed…


If the venerable master makes this golden palm means unlimited, who dares to come back after this reincarnation?

Chu Ling, Heiyang, and Yuan have all been made into this picture together, so you can’t recover the small universe of reincarnation if you stand back. Blue star strong to also can’t stand this golden palm such a pressure. Therefore,…


That’s right. "Kill" and Xi Wei are here to stop them from leaving the card and jumping into the grave to leave. They are made up by Xie Ji to solve "Kill" and Xi Wei.

They don’t know how to leave yet. Leaving is the key! Yin Lin looked at Xie and sent "Xie Zonggang, what did the two grandparents show you? Is there a way out? " Thank you. "I’m not sure if it’s…


Zuo Qingqing’s eyes briefly flashed with pride.

Not everyone can stop this split jump arc. Moment left qingqing lips slightly open a face of surprise. Her split jump arc was blown to the point where she retired and was blocked by a layer of barrier. Come with…


God is even more surprised. "So the young lady is full of energy after sleeping for two hours?" Emma, little lady is really mighty. Uh, hehe, I definitely didn’t underestimate what you mean. I just praised little lady hehe … "

The magic handsome face turned black. "I cleaned her up last night and cried for mercy. I am more powerful than her, okay?" God haunts and dares to refute, but he is silently voicing. What, have you slept until now?…


And he also took out two glittering and translucent flashing ofuda smile away.

Pa ~ pa ~ with two crisp bursts, two red lights shone, and two extremely different birds with lux shining all over appeared in front of everyone. "HongLuan spirit beast operator? Building a three-tier strength at the foundation level? "…