

Xu retreated in astonishment. The Red Tiger Ghost King, Judge Liu and others were busy compiling troops.

This is really … Collected Yu Xutui and others also know what happened. The reason is very simple. Wula, the new ghost emperor of the North, has been collecting the road and naturally met the spike ghost king. King Spike…


The sugar ball factory jumped backwards for several times and immediately appeared next to a factory.

Upgrade the huge light blade swing again. One of the many red spots around the outside disappeared Then two light spots disappeared. Inclined bucket factory and regiment factory have also played their part. Compared with those dense red spots, the…


"Maybe" this time Zhou Jiayin rarely brings out uncertainty.

"building" According to the past law, although the fall of the market world will be very dangerous, the proportion of the lucky ones will be high or low, but the base of the economic city is large and there are…


Silently made such a decision

Many viewers in the Bay Bay are also red-eyed, moved by the pure and sincere confession, and the rich and beautiful singing is vividly displayed, pure and elegant, melancholy, dreamy and persistent, awe-inspiring and free and easy. After listening to…


This uncle is going to ask them questions and lure them with kites. This uncle must be bad.

Jumping gently pulled the palms of Dong ‘er and Bei ‘er, then looked Zhan Zun in the eye and asked, "What questions do you want to ask us, uncle?" Zhan Zun is going to take a step forward once he…


Big Brother Bang Yi is going back to the game?

This is great news. Sue’s idealism turned sharply, and several thoughts emerged. He found that the proposal of the dragon commander was beneficial to him and harmful to him. He nodded and said, "I see what you mean. I support…


His towering house is like a toy in a child’s hand.

"Boom!" There was a depression in the broken ground of the house, and blood was oozing from the ruins. The family was lucky. The giant roared and waved his arms in series, and buildings collapsed in front of him. The…

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"Here we are." Robert was in a good mood when Chu Xuan promised to help him. He called Qin Jing to stop the minibus and took the lead, and of course his partner Sam. "Zhanlan scan around to see if…


Liu Xixi felt that her little face was perfect for barbecue at this time, so she was ashamed and became angry.

"How come the temple is so useless? It’s not bright yet, and you’re still conscientious. You just read a few words and flirt with my daughter! !” Liu Xi turned his face at night I didn’t expect that he wouldn’t…